Nothing inspires me like other people’s art. Especially when my life is busy, and I don’t have time to sit down to create my own. Seeing the unique ways that people express themselves inspires me. Having splashes of color around me is uplifting.
Nowhere is this more true and visible than in my studio.

Present-wrapping in progress…
In our old home, I had a shared office with some art snuck in. Now I have my own studio to decorate as I like. As I’ve moved into this space over the last few years, I’ve collected watercolors from Kathleen Mattox, big wire pieces from Paul Parichan, and ceramics from Laura Fraedrich.
With gorgeous books as backdrops, quirky little things I’ve picked up find a home on the narrow shelf that runs the length of the room.
The little vignettes around my studio reflect my creative process. Pulling treasures from everywhere create something even more fun and fanciful. Plus, this guarantees that I’m surrounded by my favorite color (pink), even if the rest of the house is more neutral and rustic.
Sometimes I escape to my studio for a phone call or business planning—something unrelated to art. Sitting in my cozy orange chair surrounded by color and fun brings joy to the most mundane tasks.
It’s so important to bring beauty and inspiration to our creative spaces, to have something that reflects who we are and what we strive for. If the practice of creating and enjoying art is sacred, then my studio is a sanctuary.
What a wonderful space to create in and relax in, too. It makes me happy to know that my work inspires you and I’m so pleased to have it be part of your lovely studio. I know how important it is to have things that inspire and uplift us in the spaces where we do our creative work. Thank you for all you’ve done to support and inspire me–“arting” can be lonely and isolating, but not when you have special artist friends (and their art!) to collaborate with and spend time with, whether in person or through their creations.