There is a competition sponsored by the International Society for Glass Beadmakers (ISGB) and Bead and Button. This year it pairs a glass artist with a jewelry artist or in some cases they are one in the same. They collaborate to make a piece based on a theme, Art Jewelry inspired by the Four Elements. I worked with a bead artist from Florida, Holly Young, who I had not met prior to the competition. It presented an interesting challenge to work with someone clear accross the country who I did not know. For one thing, I realized we take our ability to communitcate our ideas for granted. “What do you mean you are not picturing what I am telling you?” When I re-read my description and looked at my chicken scratches, it’s quite a miracle that Holly grasped what I was trying to say at all. Some faxes, a few phone calls and some more beads later… the heart of the piece, some big lampwork beads, arrived here to get wired.
I was inspired by a cuirass, a piece of armour worn on the front and back of the body, fastened at the shoulder. I wanted to show the extreme opposites of the elements, fire and ice. The finished piece would be reversible and you could wear either side forward, depending on your mood. Okay, good idea. Got it made and was quite pleased with the outcome. Do you know what one of the biggest challenges of presenting your work is? Getting a good photograph for the jury process. Not just the quality of the photo but how do you show a two-sided piece in a single photograph? With the help of my graphic artist friend and much trial and error pictures were accomplished. The next part might be the hardest… you just wait.
The email started out “We had many outstanding submissions…” okay I am braced for the bad news. But it continued… “and yours was selected” phew and yippeeee! Wow, this is exciting. The next hurdle was to see if it would be selected for the special Bead & Button publication that will feature work from the exhibit. It was selected for the publication too. No, it’s not the first time I have submitted work for juried exhibits, but yes, it is the first time my work has been selected. I will post some pictures, but like I said earlier, the photos do not do it justice. Are you headed to the Bead and Button Show, you can see it there. It will also be at the ISGB Convergence in Florida this July. And… if you really love it, you can bid at the ISGB Charity auction where it will be sold. Want to make your own? It will be published this October in a Bead and Button special issue called Jewelry Designs with Art Glass Beads and Holly is prepared to make more fire and ice beads.
I love your work and art Melanie!! Wow!!!
WOw, these are beautiful pieces and I love the contrast between the Fire/Ice duo. Congrats to you that your piece was selected.:)