One class that my students really like is the Knot Bead Pendant. What is it about this mysterious bead – a chameleon, it is exactly what everyone wants it to be. I have heard people say I must have been angry to make such a tangle, that is is technical, playful, un-solvable. People are intrigued with the complexity and no two are ever the same. I always get comments whenever I wear one – what fun to make evocative jewelry. What’s not to like? (sorry couldn’t resist)

I am teaching the Knot Bead Pendant at Creative Castle on Sunday January 17th. This is one of my favorite places, a lovely, local bead store (LBS) in Newbury Park, California. The owner has a keen sense of color and her staff is really helpful, offering their expertise and knowledge generously. “The Castle” has a great selection of vintage beads, pearls and their semi-precious is remarkable. They are also have extensive seed beads and crystals if that is your medium and they have all the other important stuff: books, tools, wire, chain, and probably most anything bead related you might be looking for. Join us for class and “tie” your own knot.
The class is offered again at Adorn Me! on March 4th. I cannot tell you how excited I am about this retreat, offered in Houston, TX. It is new, exclusively Art Jewelry and the organizer has assembled a really exciting line up of workshops and instructors. She has an impressive track record with Art retreats, check out Art Unraveled. Lots of the classes are still available. In my experience these are classes and instructors who can be hard to schedule because of their popularity. I am taking advantage of the opportunity to take a class or two and add a few more skills to my repertoire. You can use the link or there’s button for Adorn Me! see the top right side of the blog.
Where do I take it from here? For more than a pendant, add other big wire links and build your self a necklace. If you need to learn more about big wire, watch for Whimsical Wire Links and Design, a class that will teach you a library of big wire links. The only limit is your imagination.
I love this necklace with the Knot Bead as the focal!
I have never seen knot beading before, as I am not a beader, but a knot designer! I love it! Brilliant!
Great looking!
I see that I missed your class by ONE day!!!! Very disappointing. Any class sooner that March 4th?
Small world, I see that you live in Sierra Madre as well.
I am thinking of taking this class but was wondering if there was other jewelry peices that would be made in the class and other wire techniques? Thanks.